National museum of Carthage


Requalification of the acropole of Byrsa and the rehabilitation of the national museum of Carthage


INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIONRequalification of the acropole of Byrsa and the rehabilitation of the national museum of Carthage

A diffuse museum that extends beyond the built volumes, a free journey through time and space, between the tangible and the imaginary. This project is that of a museum which translates architecturally the historical sequences presented in the permanent tour on the evolution of the city of Carthage. The visit is then punctuated by breathing spaces, in-between spaces that allow visitors to go out between each sequence to observe and come into contact with the remains. Seven contemporary creations – The Dreams
– are installed in key places on the site to encourage visual and kinaesthetic interaction with the site. This is a museum that spreads, and encourages the movement of the body in space, and of the mind in time. encourage visual and kinesthetic interactions with the site. It is a museum that spreads on the site and
encourages the movement of the body in space.

Dreamed Carthage

True appropriable sculptures that can be experienced by the public, the dreams are designed to be easy to read, to encourage the visitor to appropriate the space, to arouse emotions and to move around in it. They are visible from the interior tour route. For each historical figure, we have tried to represent an event that marked his or her life, so that the public can identify with
each of them.
Formally, they will be made with light metal structures, covered with a metal mesh, inside which the rubble from the demolition of part of the pre-existing buildings will be placed. Their possible reversibility respects the site. Positive design, eco-design and an anti-waste approach are at work in these creations.