Media Technologies for Business

Media technologies are a new way to collaborate, communicate and consume content. However, they also require business leaders to make important changes to their strategy, culture and systems.

All industries are experiencing disruption however the impact is most evident in the media. This is the reason why you can try here once-mighty giants such as Blockbuster Video and Tower Records have gone out of business. Many newspapers are shifting online, and many shows are being cut.

In the midst of this constant industry disruption businesses must be able to adapt and remain agile. They must also embrace new forms and methods of collaboration and rely on flexible and integrated systems to make better decisions and produce quicker results.

Digital media comprises any type of information that is that is transmitted using digital data that at its simplest is a series of binary signals (zeroes and ones) transmitted via satellites or digital cables and received by devices that convert them into audio, video, graphics, text, and other. It includes everything from streaming films and television programs on platforms like Netflix to virtual reality surgical simulators which are used in medical institutions. It also includes websites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat which allow users to interact with each other by posting pictures, videos and messages.

Samantha Kutza, a student at ESU pursuing a bachelor’s in digital media technology, is enthusiastic about the possibilities for her future career. She is grateful to the program for providing an education that is broad and an immersive experience that allows her to use today’s technology for creative media.

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