Amazon Machine Learning Big Data Analytics Options on AWS

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Our AI Readiness Program is a 2-3 week engagement designed to accelerate value realization from your AI efforts. Our experts will work with you to understand your business objectives, benchmark your AI capabilities, and provide tailored  recommendations for your needs. Instantly extract text and data from virtually any document, such as loan applications and medical forms, without manual effort. Client acknowledges that it is acting for its own account, and it has made its own independent decisions to enter into a Transaction and as to whether a Transaction is appropriate or proper for it based upon its own judgment and upon advice from such advisors as it has deemed necessary. Further, Client has not received from Bank of America or its Affiliates any assurance or guarantee as to the expected results of a Transaction. Bank of America or its Affiliates may make changes to the Sites and reserves the right to do so without prior notice to you.

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Maintaining Personalized Experiences with Machine Learning

IBM Watson Studio is one of the leading platforms for experimenting with different predictive analytics use cases. In essence, it’s an MLOPs platform, offering a range of supporting tools and services for effectively managing the complete AI model lifecycle. Installing sensors and the necessary infrastructure for data connectivity, storage,
analytics, and alerting are foundational elements for enabling predictive maintenance.

  • VideoPeel is transforming the traditional consumer research by automating the analysis of user generated content to produce dynamic consumer personas and actionable insights.
  • Unlock hidden potential in your health data with HIPAA-eligible ML—for petabyte-scale analysis and fast unstructured text and speech documentation.
  • ML training and inference workloads can exhibit characteristics that are steady state (such as hourly batch tagging of photos for a large population), spiky (such as kicking off new training jobs or search recommendations during promotional periods), or both.
  • Bank of America may make changes to this Agreement at any time, without prior notice to you.
  • This document and its content are for information purposes and shall not be interpreted as banking or financial intermediation, business solicitation and/or public offering of any kind.
  • You can use HealthLake to organize, index, and structure patient information in a
    secure, compliant, and auditable manner.

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